Stockton-Delta Amateur Radio Club


This page will Instruct you on how to:

Check to see if your New License has been Granted

(This will be below under the picture)


Print Reference Copy of your License


If you want to see if your NEW LICENSE has been granted

Please follow these instructions.

1. Go to and click on ARCHIVES. This will carry you to the Archive License Search page.

2. At the LICENSEE Section in the NAME box, put in just your LAST NAME ONLY.

3. Scroll down to the DATE INFORMATION Section in the DATE TYPE box make sure it says GRANT DATE....Then right below this select a fixed date range, {ex. In the last 30 days}.

4. Click on SEARCH at the right of the page. This will carry you to the Search Results page. If your license has been granted it will be listed here.

5. If you want to print a copy of your license, click on your callsign that is listed. This will carry you to the Amateur License page.

6. Click on Reference Copy link toward top center of the page. This will carry you to Reference Copy page.

7. Print out this page. You can frame the larger version for your shack wall and the smaller one can be carried with you.

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If you need a printable “Reference Copy” of your license

for personal use or for proof to upgrade at a VE Testing

Please follow these instructions.

1. Go to and click on ARCHIVES. This will carry you to the Archive License Search page.

2. Put in your callsign and click on SEARCH at the right of the page. This will carry you to the Search Results page.

3. Click on your callsign that is listed last, which is your CURRENT license. This will carry you to the Amateur License page.

4. Click on Reference Copy link toward top center of the page. This will carry you to Reference Copy page.

5. Print out this page. Please bring a SIGNED COPY of one of your license (large or small).

You can frame the larger version for your shack wall and the smaller one can be carried with you.

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Any comments or questions please contact us at