Stockton-Delta Amateur Radio Club

Get Your Amateur Radio License on a Saturday!

You can get your Amateur Radio License in a single Saturday. No Morse code test is required!

Attendance at each event is limited, Preregistration is required!

Thousands have gotten their licenses by studying the actual questions and answers, some of which will appear on the 35-question FCC exam given at the end of the day.

This is not an Amateur Radio training course. We sponsor mentoring sessions during each HamCram for that, and introduce you to local radio clubs.   

What is a HamCram?

“Get Your License in a Saturday” is the perfect solution. No long, boring once-a-week classes. You attend for just one day, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, and you’re done.

Thousands of men and women, aged 16 to 90, have succeeded in getting their Amateur Radio license this way. 

How does this work?

One of the best ways to bring new people into the hobby is by conducting one-day Technician classes. There are two types of these classes, sometimes called “ham cram” classes, 

HamCram Study Session: This is not a class. It is guided study — six 50-minute reading sessions with 10-minute breaks and a 60-minute break for lunch. The FCC exam is given at the end of the day. We divide the question pool into six segments, each containing about 60 questions. This is the most efficient way to maximize attention span and fight study fatigue.

In other words, we tell you how to study, keep you doing it in an organized way, and then give you the test as soon as you are finished. It has proven very successful. 

For August 10th, We will be offering the 'Study Session" for those wanting to upgrade to General Class or Extra Class also. 

Testing-Only Also Available

The FCC exam session at 3 PM is open. We administer all levels of amateur radio exams: Technician, General, and Extra class. You do not need to attend the HamCram just to take an exam. There is no charge for test only.  Donations to the Elmer University are welcome. If you’ve paid to attend the HamCram, the exam is included.

The next HamCram is scheduled for Saturday, August 10th, 2024.Seating may be limited.  Sign up early!  Test Only sessions will be offered at 3:00 PM - Please call or pre-register as it is difficult to handle walk-ins unprepared. 

The Test Session will be held at:


Doors open at 7:45 AM - HamCram starts at 8:05 AM 

Sign up for the next HamCram HERE 

HamTestOnline - online courses for the ham radio exams




Phone:  (209) 687-0774