Amateur Radio Club





QST, QST, QST, all radio amateurs. This is (CALL) in Stockton, opening the W6SF, Stockton-Delta Amateur Radio Club weekly net. This net is held each Monday evening on the W6SF repeater system and can be accessed on 2 Meters at 147.165 MHz and on 70 Cm at 442.250 MHz, both with PL 107.2.”


The Stockton-Delta Amateur Radio Club meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at the Bear Creek Community Church, located at 11171 Lower Sacramento Rd. Meetings begin at 1930 hours. All people interested in amateur radio are invited to attend.”


This is a directed net. Please direct all traffic through net control. The purpose of this net is to establish and maintain communications related to Amateur Radio for the Stockton-Delta Amateur Radio Club. When you check in, please indicate your name, call sign, location and whether or not you have traffic and/or announcements. Stations with Emergency or Priority Traffic should break into the net by saying "break" followed by their call sign.  <pause>

I will now take check-ins from Club Officers:

  • President: John NZ6Q

  • Vice President: Paul N6KZW

  • Treasurer: Paul KC6RRR

  • Secretary: Eric W6INP

  • Call Sign Trustee:  Charlie WB6NVB
  • Member-at-large: Bob N6TCE


I will now take check-ins from members and guests with call sign suffixes beginning:”


Are there any missed members, or guest check-ins?”


(After check-ins have been completed, first - call on stations with traffic. Next, beginning with board members, ask each check-in for their weekly update in ham radio)


Are there are any other items of interest before we go into round table discussions?”


I am now closing the formal portion of the net and will open the informal round table portion of the net. Anyone with a topic for discussion please come with your call sign suffix to be recognized.”


Anyone else with a topic for discussion, come now.”


(After the round table discussions the net must be closed.)


"I am now closing the Stockton Delta Amateur Radio Club weekly two meter net at (time). I would like to thank everyone for checking in. Our next meeting is (date of next meeting) and everyone is invited to attend, whether you are a licensed ham or not.”


On Thursday night we have an informal 10 meter net. It starts at 1930 hours on 28.457 MHz. Anyone with a proper license is invited to attend. This is (CALL) in Stockton saying 73 and returning the repeater to normal operation."